Bible Believers Christian College and Seminary, Inc is committed to a Biblical standard of Christian conduct. Each Student is the expected to have experienced salvation by faith in Christ as the initial step in the Christian life. Each should also desire to grow spiritually into the image of Christ. The Holy Spirit makes us conscious of Biblical demands for a holy life which fulfill both God's moral law and the high law of love. (Matthew 22: 37-39; Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14)
In striving to provide an environment conducive to spiritual growth and development, we desire a few rules as necessary, knowing that submission to rules alone does not make one spiritual. However, to live together in harmony and accomplish the purpose to which God calls us, some disciplines are needed in the training process that may not be required later on. Moral conviction and self-discipline are as important as academic excellence.
The conduct of students should reflect heart obedience to Biblical principles. If God has clearly spoken on the subject, it is settled. Many situations, however, require applying Biblical principles.