Bible Believers Christian College

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Bible Believers

Affordable Online Classes

Rich, loving community

More than ever, it is important that Christian training and learning takes place within a rich diverse community. To study, pray, train, laugh and cry with brothers and sisters from all over the world and every major Christian denomination is the very best preparation for serving God in a diverse and divided world.

Growing in discipleship in the Spiritual Life

We are committed to helping students grow in their knowledge of God as well as their knowledge about God, to have warm hearts as well as full heads. We want all our students to love the Lord and love a needy world with the compassion of Christ.

The Word of God

We are one hundred percent committed to the Bible as God's Word and the Gospel it declares. This means we see our task as helping students to understand it deeply and apply it lovingly and powerfully in today's complicated world. Study is at the heart of BBC - although all are welcome and catered for, whatever their academic ability.

The ability to do the job

We are a practical training college where the skills necessary for ministry, mission, evangelism and caring are imparted, honed and tested. The Christian servant should care about professional competence whether he or she is a missionary in Africa or a Christian in a secular job serving the local church.



Bible Believers

Verse of the Day

A daily word of exultation.
  • Deuteronomy 13:4
    “It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”
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bbccs mission The Bible is the center of education here at Bible Believers Christian College.


BBCCS Purpose You will be better equipped to carry out the great commission the Lord Jesus Christ has given you.

New Students

bbccs students Develop your passion for the Word of God, here at Bible Believers Christian College.